
Wow, another season is upon me to help create beautiful memories for a few beautiful brides. In my packages I am including a free bridal session. I want more samples of brides having fun, without the stress of a cermony looming in or a large group waiting to greet the new couple. Most of the time the Bride doesn't get a chance to have this one on one without having to rush through it, not getting to all the poses that we want for her husband to have. These sessions are going to be a few days before or a few weeks or month after.

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About This Blog


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Photography is my passion. I have worked in this business since 1990. 18 years of wonderful fun and I'm still not tired of photography. I have two wonderful children that are the light of my life. I have a husband that is always there for me and is my best friend. We are here Anaheim, CA but are originally from Medford, Oregon.
